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Agency speaks out on lack of LGBTQ+ accommodation

Knight Frank has spoken out over what it claims is a severe lack of appropriate accommodation being marketed exclusively to the over-65 LGBTQ+ community.

The agency says there is an opportunity to grow the sector and calls for the retirement housing sector to deliver more dedicated LGBTQ+ exclusive accommodation over the next decade.

Knight Frank has analysed government demographic data and found there were some 68,415 people over the age of 65 living in the UK in 2021 who identified as LGBTQ+. 

This is under one per cent of the UK’s 65+ population overall but is expected to rise over the next two decades as societal attitudes change and people feel safe and supported to openly express their sexual preferences.

Knight Frank says that there are currently only two schemes in the UK - representing just 57 units in total - that provide what it calls “LGBTQ+ affirmative housing for seniors.”

This is only one LGBTQ+ unit available for every 1,200 LGBTQ+ seniors currently living in the UK.

Knight Frank says that even if only five per cent of those who are 65 or over and identify as LGBTQ+ considered moving into dedicated LGBTQ+ seniors housing, that is still 3,421 individuals faced with a current provision of 57 units.

Tom Scaife, head of seniors housing at Knight Frank, says: “Current LGBTQ+ affirmative schemes have shown there is strong demand and a proven concept, so more supply should follow. Clearly there is currently a severe lack of dedicated provision, which suggests there is a huge opportunity for growth. As a result, we can be confident that investor appetite will likely increase in line with demand from residents.

“… Dedicated seniors housing can support older LGBTQ+ people in our communities by providing inclusive spaces and supportive environments where people can feel confident about being their true and authentic selves, without fear of discrimination, isolation or loneliness.”


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