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Trading Standards new rules - agents urged to comment on Material Info

Propertymark is urging agents to respond to a consultation exercise being conducted by the National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agents Team.

By the end of April all property listings must include the council tax band or rate (for lettings and sales), as well as the property price and tenure information (for sales). Over the coming weeks, data fields for these particulars will start to appear on the portals.

Then later phases led by NTSELAT will mean agents will have to add further ‘material information’ - for example, restrictive covenants, flood risk and other specific factors that may impact certain properties

As part of the process Propertymark, the agents’ trade body, is urging agents to have their input to the industry guidance on this issue that NTSELAT will be providing.

“It is vital that agents’ views are taken into account and Propertymark strongly encourages anyone with an interest to participate. The intention is that the collection of information will become mandatory when fully agreed and may become a legal requirement as part of the government’s Levelling Up agenda” says a Propertymark statement.

It continues: “Propertymark is part of the consortium of industry leaders and has already shown support for NTSELAT's three-phase project.”

Agents can sign up to give their views here.

  • icon

    Propertymark are right here. if agents do not respond something will be imposed on them.

  • icon

    "Propertymark is part of the consortium of industry leaders"

    Rolls on floor laughing hysterically

  • icon

    "Propertymark is part of the consortium of industry leaders"

    Rolls on floor laughing hysterically

  • charlotte Jeffrey- campbell

    It is really important that agents feed into this as it will affect, property details, conversations and all dealing with consumers, However - im not too concerned as everything mentioned is common sense! Most agents I train are already fulfilling all these obligations.

  • icon

    So maybe you can answer this question then. Please tell me where to find the flood risk of a road, the tenure and restrictive covenants?

    please advise

    • N W
    • 14 March 2022 16:32 PM

    flood risk the environment agency (or software if you have it)
    Tenure - Land Reg data
    restrictive covenants also Land reg data

  • icon

    Also, is this not what the solicitor does? Are they getting rid of conveyancing and we just do everything? If there is a cost, this will be passed on. M
    If anyone thinks this is a good idea for the industry is blinkered, it's just more money for the government!!


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