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Graham Awards


Agency hit by penalties because it didn't produce waste disposal paperwork

An estate agency has been ordered to pay £841 to a council - because it failed to provide paperwork about its waste.

Anglowide Estates in Dagenham failed to produce the relevant documents that show waste is being disposed of correctly when council officers visited as part of a routine inspection in September 2017.

The council claims that it was evident to the officers who were looking to ensure that the business was disposing and complying with waste regulations that they were unable to provide documents for immediate inspection.

A formal notice was issued which required the firm to provide waste transfer notes documenting how it disposed of its commercial waste for the previous two years and was given 14 days to comply.

It provided some of the documents but they arrived late, were incomplete and - in the words of a council statement - “did not satisfy the requirements of the notice.”

The statement continues: “Our enforcement officers are doing a great job in identifying businesses who are not disposing their waste properly.”

The company was issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for £300 but despite reminders being sent to the business and a Notice of Intended Prosecution, Anglowide Estates failed to make the payment and was summoned to appear in court, where the firm pleaded guilty.

It was fined £240 and given 28 days to make the payment, and had to pay £571 in costs to the council plus a £30 victim surcharge.


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