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Housing minister pays moving tribute to murdered MP Jo Cox

Housing minister Brandon Lewis has joined many others across the country in paying tribute to Jo Cox, the Labour MP murdered last week in her constituency.

From July until March, Cox was a member of the Communities and Local Government committee so took part in all-party scrutiny of DCLG ministers, including Lewis.

On his Facebook page over the weekend, Lewis paid this tribute:

The whole of Westminster, and clearly many across the country have been deeply shocked by the murder of Jo Cox MP. 

She was a member of a select committee that I am regularly scrutinised by as a Minister. 

She was always a rigorous, tough, questioner and was passionate about the community she represented. Her international interests were matched by her focus on what matters here at home and for her own residents. A genuinely lovely lady.

It is a terrible event and clearly her family have suffered an unspeakable loss, she will also be a huge loss to Parliament, her residents and our country. 

I cannot stop thinking about Jo's family and especially her two young children. There are no words to outline how her close family and friends will be feeling. 

My heart goes out to them and everyone who has lost someone close to them.


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