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Agents Do Charity - and it's a bumper week...

It was perhaps inevitable that as Christmas looms closer so agents’ fund-raising efforts would grow even stronger - and we’re always happy to pay tribute to our industry.

If you have anything to tell your colleagues and industry about fund-raising, please let us know on press@estateagenttoday.co.uk - that’s what these people have done...


The Conveyancing Charity Foundation: This is being launched to help conveyancers raise money for their chosen charities, and it is promoting the Free Legal Fee Charity Competition. Conveyancers choose the charities they wish to support. They ask their clients to make a £10 payment to enter the competition - £1 for the competition directly and the other £9 attracting 25 per cent Gift Aid for UK tax payers, making an £11.25 charity donation.  

Additional information on “Conveyancing for Charity” can be obtained at the new Conveyancing Foundation website - www.conveyancingfoundation.org.uk


Nicholas Humphreys Charity Foundation: Nicholas Humphreys Estate Agents and Barkers Estate Agents run a number of events including a Charity Golf Day, various open days, sporting events and every other year a Charity Ball.

The agents’ Christmas Charity Ball is coming up on December 5. More details on this and the agencies’ impressive charity work can be found here:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Nicholas-Humphreys-Charity-Foundation/222718547866166

Twitter - @NHCharity

Just Giving - https://www.justgiving.com/nhcf/

Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service: Property managers from Romans took part in the London Glow in the Park run and raised £645 for this wonderful charity. 

The 5km evening run included a course consisting of electrifying light shows and dance music. Despite the wind and rain, the whole team did a great job of completing the course in their eye-catching glow in the dark costumes. “We’re all so proud to have raised well over our £500 target as the money is going towards such a worthy cause” comments Kelly Elliott, Area Manager, Property Management.

Meanwhile a team of agents from Romans’ Wokingham office raised over £1,000 for Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service in a remarkable 400 mile cycle which they completed in just under seven hours. “We all had a lot of fun taking part in the challenge and could not be more proud that we managed to raise a whopping £1,040” says Matthew Witney, Sales Manager.


BBC Children In Need: Alexanders Estate Agency in Aberystwyth, Wales, has hosted a wet sponge throwing event. Agents were held in stocks, while others could throw wet sponges at them. Each throw was 50p and of course all money was donated to Children in Need. 


Parents Consortium: Ward & Partners, part of the Arun Estates Group and Kent’s largest independent estate agency, recently donated £8,000 towards a new hydrotherapy bath for a local charity helping disabled children and their families. The bath will be used at the Dragon’s Retreat short break unit run by the Parents Consortium charity, which is based in the village of Hextable near Swanley.

“This bath is such a vital piece of equipment. It is really important to give each child a bath before bedtime as it calms and relaxes them and helps aid sleep. We are really grateful to Ward & Partners for their support” says Caroline Brinkman, Fundraising and Marketing Manager at Parents Consortium.


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